Ship Status Changed
This message indicates that the ship_status of an order has changed, from ‘not_shipped’ to shipped (e.g. when an order is marked shipped).
Ship Status Changed is an invoice level message; it will be sent once for each shipping status change on an invoice and will contain information about all items ordered.
Message Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
message_description | Text | Human readable description of message_type |
timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ |
md5_hash | Upper Case Text | UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message |
message_id | Numeric | This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller. |
key_count | Numeric | Indicates the number of parameters sent in message |
vendor_id | Numeric | Seller account number |
sale_id | Numeric | Floospay sale number |
sale_date_placed | Date | Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD |
vendor_order_id | Text | Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters) |
invoice_id | Numeric | Floospay invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order. |
recurring | Numeric | recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise |
payment_type | Lower Case Text | Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later) |
list_currency | Upper Case Text | 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency |
cust_currency | Upper Case Text | 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency |
auth_exp | Date | The date credit authorization will expire; format YYYY-MM-DD |
invoice_status | Lower Case Text | Status of a transaction (approved, pending, deposited, or declined) |
fraud_status | Lower Case Text | Status of Floospay fraud review (pass, fail, or wait); This parameter could be empty on some sales. |
invoice_list_amount | Numeric | Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
invoice_usd_amount | Numeric | Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places |
invoice_cust_amount | Numeric | Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
customer_first_name | Text | Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales) |
customer_last_name | Text | Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales) |
customer_name | Text | Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card) |
customer_email | Text | Buyer’s email address |
customer_phone | Numeric | Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out |
customer_ip | Text | Buyer’s IP address at time of sale |
customer_ip_country | Text | Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider |
bill_street_address | Text | Billing street address |
bill_street_address2 | Text | Billing street address line 2 |
bill_city | Text | Billing address city |
bill_state | Text | Billing address state or province |
bill_postal_code | Text | Billing address postal code |
bill_country | Text | 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address |
ship_status | Lower Case Text | Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped) |
ship_tracking_number | Text | Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin |
ship_name | Text | Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label) |
ship_street_address | Text | Shipping street address |
ship_street_address2 | Text | Shipping street address line 2 |
ship_city | Text | Shipping address city |
ship_state | Text | Shipping address state or province |
ship_postal_code | Text | Shipping address postal code |
ship_country | Upper Case Text | 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address |
item_count | Numeric | Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect |
item_name_# | Text | Product name |
item_id_# | Text | Seller product id |
item_list_amount_# | Numeric | Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
item_usd_amount_# | Numeric | Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places |
item_cust_amount_# | Numeric | Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
item_type_# | Lower Case Text | Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund |
item_duration_# | Text | Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year |
item_recurrence_# | Text | Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month |
item_rec_list_amount_# | Numeric | Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
item_rec_status_# | Lower Case Text | Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed |
item_rec_date_next_# | Date | Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD |
item_rec_install_billed_# | Numeric | The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed |
Example Message
auth_exp => 2012-04-11
bill_city => Columbus
bill_country => USA
bill_postal_code => 43215
bill_state => OH
bill_street_address => 855 Grandview Avenue
bill_street_address2 => Suite 11
cust_currency => USD
customer_email =>
customer_first_name => Testing
customer_ip =>
customer_ip_country => United States
customer_last_name => Tester
customer_name => Testing T Tester
customer_phone => 6149212450
fraud_status => wait
invoice_cust_amount => 1.00
invoice_id => 4676292911
invoice_list_amount => 1.00
invoice_status => pending
invoice_usd_amount => 1.00
item_count => 2
item_cust_amount_1 => 1.00
item_cust_amount_2 => 0.00
item_duration_1 =>
item_duration_2 =>
item_id_1 => program1
item_id_2 =>
item_list_amount_1 => 1.00
item_list_amount_2 => 0.00
item_name_1 => test tangible
item_name_2 => Shipping: free
item_rec_date_next_1 =>
item_rec_date_next_2 =>
item_rec_install_billed_1 =>
item_rec_install_billed_2 =>
item_rec_list_amount_1 =>
item_rec_list_amount_2 =>
item_rec_status_1 =>
item_rec_status_2 =>
item_recurrence_1 =>
item_recurrence_2 =>
item_type_1 => bill
item_type_2 => bill
item_usd_amount_1 => 1.00
item_usd_amount_2 => 0.00
key_count => 68
list_currency => USD
md5_hash => 51D583E49E661FB64FD51D8505F3CCA1
message_description => Shipping status changed
message_id => 2807
message_type => SHIP_STATUS_CHANGED
payment_type => paypal ec
recurring => 0
sale_date_placed => 2012-04-04 13:56:26
sale_id => 4676292902
ship_city => Columbus
ship_country => USA
ship_name => Testing Tester
ship_postal_code => 43215
ship_state => OH
ship_status => shipped
ship_street_address => 855 Grandview Avenue
ship_street_address2 => Suite 11
ship_tracking_number => 123
timestamp => 2012-04-04 13:58:20
vendor_id => 532001
vendor_order_id =>
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